Empowering Lives through Sewing: Miburo Sabine's Testimony

In the bustling community of Muyira Zone, nestled on the Kirombwe Hill in Kanyosha Commune, Bujumbura province, lives a woman whose life has transformed, Meet Miburo Sabine, a resilient individual whose journey from unemployment to self-sufficiency is truly inspiring.

Sabine got married and blessed with a child, After completing secondary school, Sabine faced the harsh reality of struggling to find a job that could meet her family's needs. However, her fortunes changed when Rajedes came to her rescue, offering her the opportunity to undergo sewing training. Enrolling in the prestigious TWESE MWITERAMBERE Sewing Training Center, Sabine discovered her passion for sewing and acquired valuable skills that would change her life.

Brimming with gratitude, Sabine proudly shares, "Before, I used to spend my hard-earned money on stitching my clothes. But now, I can afford to provide for my family in every way." The sewing machine provided by Rajedes Burundi became Sabine's tool for personal and financial growth.
Sabine's journey was not without its challenges. Prior to her training, life was difficult, and she struggled to contribute to her family's needs. However, through the support and training received at TWESE MWITERAMBERE Sewing Training Center, Sabine blossomed into a confident and skilled individual. Today, she stands as a beacon of hope and success.

Expressing her heartfelt gratitude, Sabine acknowledges Rajedes for the significant steps taken in transforming her life. She shares, "I now even have the means to buy shoes for myself and my child. I am immensely grateful to Rajedes. I humbly request them to continue supporting me as I aspire to acquire other types of machines, such as those used for sulfurizing, which will enhance my tailoring services."

Sabine's testimony is a story of determination, resilience, and empowerment. Her journey from unemployment to self-reliance is a testament to the transformative power of vocational training and the support provided by organizations like Rajedes. Through their efforts, individuals like Sabine are equipped with the skills and tools they need to build a better future for themselves and their families.

As Rajedes continues its mission to uplift lives through vocational training, Sabine's story serves as a reminder of the impact they have on communities. By empowering individuals like Sabine, Rajedes is not only changing lives but also creating a ripple effect of positive change that resonates throughout society.

In conclusion, Miburo Sabine's testimonial stands as a testament to the life-changing impact of vocational training. Through the support of Rajedes Burundi and her training at TWESE MWITERAMBERE Sewing Training Center, Sabine has transformed her life from one of struggle to one of self-sufficiency. Her gratitude knows no bounds, and she looks forward to continuing her journey with Rajedes by her side. Sabine's story serves as an inspiration to other women.

Publié le 2024-01-06 A 05:25:18

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